Jesse-Julian G.-West House
Topic: Jiu-Jitzu
EQ: What is the most efficient way to become a successful Jiu-Jitsu practitioner?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Independent Component 2

1.) Literal

  •  I, Jesse-Julian Gonzalez, affirm that I have completed my Independent Component which represents 30 hours of work.
  • For my independent component I watched videos on different martial arts, aikido, judo, shoalin, etc. Also I practiced moves with my father, and he taught me moves as well. He is a black belt in Shoalin Monkey Kung Fu.
2.) Interpretive

  •  When I watched these videos I saw how different techniques were similar and different from Jiu-Jitsu. For example, though I knew how to punch like a boxer, and now I see why they punch like this and it has become my standard way to strike. When my father was teaching me certain things in Shoalin I saw different things and that would be very useful against myself and other opponents. My father and I would practice for up to 3 hours at a time, and I have watched videos on youtube over and over again.
3.) Applied

  • This helped me reinforce my second answer and also my third answer. Practicing with my father I under estimated his grappling skills, which was a mistake on my part. My father even though he was not good in grappling was good at pressure points and did get me there. I will never underestimate an judge another martial artist, and also start to learn different types of martial arts to improve my weaknesses. 

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