Jesse-Julian G.-West House
Topic: Jiu-Jitzu
EQ: What is the most efficient way to become a successful Jiu-Jitsu practitioner?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Senior Project Reflection

(1) Positive StatementWhat are you most proud of in your 2-Hour Presentation and/or your senior project? Why?
-I am most proud of how my 2 hour presentation flowed. Everything to me seem to run smooth. Normally i would get nervous and forget certain things, but practicing and going through allowed me to reach time and perform without many stops. 

(2) Questions to Considera.     What assessment would you give yourself on your 2-Hour Presentation (self-assessment)? Why?AE            P            AP            CR            NC
-I would assess myself at an AE level. I met all the requirements listed on the project rubric, and went above the minimum talk time. I related each slide to my answer, had a story experience of how I got each statement whether through service learning or print research. All my activities had a correlation to my answer, engaged each student, and I was explaining in more detail how this activity connected with the answer before, during, and after the activity. b.     What assessment would you give yourself on your overall senior project (self-assessment)? Why?

AE             P            AP            CR            NC
-I would honestly give myself an AE for the semester. Though some of the work that has been given back was graded at a lower grade, I do not believe I deserve it. This entire presentation I have met more than the requirements listed. Also going above and beyond spending my time, money, and risking family relationships getting through this entire senior project. I feel that going that above and beyond work should be considered even though a teacher may give the initial grade as a P.

(3) What worked for you in your senior project?
-The one thing that worked in my senior project was the support of my family. Without them I would have not been able to drive to all the places, get all my equipment, research, and resources.

(4) What didn’t work for you in your senior project?
-The amount of repetitive research that kept appearing along the 9 months. It was difficult to find new people and new things to say. I was worried that my answers would be redundant and they would not work.
(5) Finding Value
How has the senior project been helpful to you in your future endeavors?   Be specific and use examples. 
-Well to be honest in college for what I have noticed, out of the 8 classes I have taken, there are not that many presentations to the class. Though surely I can see that this helped me out in career field. I feel more confident presenting to people and there are many job opportunities that need that specialty. For example presenting or advertising a product from a company at a stand in Kmart or Walmart. Although the tactics I used to find my research did help me, and will most likely help going to my college life. In every subject there are those times where research gets repetitive. For example in a philosophy and theories class, narrowing down what i want to find can disprove a philosophical teaching. 

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